
Uterine Fibroid Embolization: The Game-Changer You Need to Know About Before a Hysterectomy

The Life-Saving Benefits of UFE Before Hysterectomy Reduced Blood Loss: One of the primary benefits of UFE is that it can significantly reduce blood loss during a subsequent hysterectomy. By cutting off the blood supply to the fibroids, they shrink and become less vascular, which means there’s less chance of severe bleeding during surgery. This […]

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Living with Uterine Fibroids: A Family’s Journey Through Pain and Understanding

When a member of the family is diagnosed with a condition like uterine fibroids, the focus naturally tends to be on her and her health. But what is often less discussed is how these non-cancerous growths can reverberate through the entire family dynamic, affecting partners, children, and even extended family members. The symptoms of uterine

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Battling Uterine Fibroids and Depression: A Silent Struggle

Introduction Uterine fibroids, noncancerous growths in the uterus, are a common health concern among women of reproductive age. While the physical symptoms of fibroids are well-documented and can be challenging on their own, one aspect of this condition that often remains hidden is the emotional toll it takes. Many women who suffer from the symptoms

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Geniculate Artery Embolization (GAE)

Did you know that Geniculate Artery Embolization (GAE) offers a revolutionary solution for knee pain caused by osteoarthritis? This minimally invasive procedure provides numerous benefits, making it a promising option for those seeking relief without surgery. Benefits of GAE: Non-Surgical Approach: GAE is non-surgical, requiring no incisions or sutures. Patients can undergo the procedure on

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Hemorrhoid Embolization (Emborrhoid)

Did you know that millions of people worldwide suffer from hemorrhoids, a common but often uncomfortable condition? While external hemorrhoids are visible, internal hemorrhoids can pose more challenges in terms of treatment. Traditionally, options have included creams, lifestyle changes, or even surgical interventions like hemorrhoidectomy. However, there’s a newer, less invasive procedure called Emborrhoid, or

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